i was at work today and got tons of tiny oreos home!
so Cherry was really happy to be able to eat a lot of sweet mini oreos!
here are some pics!

here was Cherry's outfit for today

sweet as sugar!

the tiny oreo!

close up on the tasty cookie

you wanna taste? come get it...
Cherry got two tattooes before but you have only seen one so here is the other one captured...

i recently made a new dress to Cherry and we photographed it and we also found a little fruit called kumquat. it's like a tiny orange. here are some pics.

the new dress! it's a black denim dress with lace details and two small rivets (one on the bow and one in the back).

the little orange was something Cherry found adorable.

and she wanted to cut it open to see what it looked like inside.

Cherry: i look like a killer with this huge knife!!

cutting process...

now it's in two halfs!

it smells delicious!

Cherry: i'm gonna put it in water to make something delicious to mommy!

and the other half is going in aswell...

finished! now we just will have to wait a while...

Cherry: omg!! they sank to the bottom!!

Cherry now is the pro on making kumquat water...


just looking pretty ♥